Keeping the Memory of the


Against the Tutsi Victims Alive.

We provide advocacy for


and mental healthcare support.

We advocate and promote


against genocide.

About Ibuka, USA.

The Ibuka USA is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization bringing together survivors of the Rwanda 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and its allies in the United States of America. Ibuka is a Kinyarwanda word which means Remember in English. Our primary mission is to preserve the memory of the victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, promote justice, and advocate for survivors.

The Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

On 7 April 1994, the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda was perpetrated against members of the Tutsi minority by the Hutu extremist-led government. Within just over 100 days, more than a million Tutsi were systematically murdered.

Genocide consequences

In the wake of the genocide, widows, and orphans struggled to start a new life from nothing. older Children became parents to younger siblings and heads of households. women, adolescents to elderly, faced health issues from rape and other sexual atrocities including HIV. 

Until today, many genocide survivors are still facing trauma and post-trauma and stress and disorder. in recent years, children of genocide survivors have started to experiences intergenerational and secondary trauma.