May 24 - 26, 2024

Kwibuka 30

The 30th commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and Second Survivors Reunion
in North America.

About Kwibuka30

Join us as we remember, heal, learn, and raise genocide awareness.

Kwibuka30 will bring together survivors, the Rwandan community, scholars, mental health professionals, officials, and friends of Rwanda from all over the United States to remember, heal, learn, and raise genocide awareness. In addition, we are raising funds to restore home for needy survivors.

Expected Attendees
0 +
Speakers & Panelists
0 +
States Represented
Event - Kwibuka 30


Please RSVP and we encourage you to make a donation, it will help cover critical aspects of the event, such as venue arrangements, meals, speakers travel, and lodging over the three-day period.



To support the Kwibuka 30 events, which include various activities such as
venue arrangements, meals, travel, lodging over three days and
restoring homes for needy survivors in Rwanda. 

Kwibuka 30 Featured Speakers

Our Speakers

DALL·E 2024-02-24 13.41.09 - A detailed headshot of a Rwandan male, showcasing traditional Rwandan features with a warm and inviting expression. The background should be simple an
First Lastname Speaker
Facilisis mus aliquet nascetur potenti lobortis fermentum tincidunt ullamcorper proin vivamus id maximus
DALL·E 2024-02-24 13.41.22 - A detailed headshot of a Rwandan female, showcasing traditional Rwandan features with a warm and inviting expression. The background should be simple
First Lastname Speaker
Facilisis mus aliquet nascetur potenti lobortis fermentum tincidunt ullamcorper proin vivamus id maximus
DALL·E 2024-02-24 13.45.06 - A detailed headshot of an elderly Rwandan male, showcasing traditional Rwandan features with a wise and serene expression. The background should be si
First Lastname Speaker
Facilisis mus aliquet nascetur potenti lobortis fermentum tincidunt ullamcorper proin vivamus id maximus
DALL·E 2024-02-24 13.46.01 - A detailed headshot of an elderly Rwandan female, showcasing traditional Rwandan features with a dignified and graceful expression. The background sho
First Lastname Speaker
Facilisis mus aliquet nascetur potenti lobortis fermentum tincidunt ullamcorper proin vivamus id maximus
Support and stand with us by ordering and wearing

Kwibuka 30 outfit


South Portland Maine, USA

Play Intro

We're in the business of transforming experiences

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Thanks our sponsors