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Ibuka USA

Preserving memory, supporting survivors,
and advocating for a future free from genocide.

A Dark Chapter: A Call for Vigilance

The genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda was one of the darkest chapters in recent human history. We must remain ever vigilant and ensure that such atrocities never happen again. The world owes it to the victims and survivors.”

António Guterres – United Nations, Secretary General

The most horrific atrocities of the 20th century –

The 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi.

In just 100 days, more than 1 million Tutsi men, women, and children, along with moderate Hutu, were mercilessly hunted down and slaughtered in Rwanda, an East African nation. This genocide followed decades of oppression, culminating in a systematic, brutal campaign that tore families and communities apart. Its devastating impact continues to haunt survivors.

Consequences of the Genocide –

It left survivors with devastating loss, unimaginable trauma, and lifelong emotional scars.

Over 100,000 children orphaned, women were raped, many infected with HIV. Over 20,000 children were born from these rapes, carrying lifelong emotional scars. Entire families were wiped out, leaving survivors to grapple with profound loss, PTSD, and overwhelming trauma that still endures today.

Ibuka USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the U.S. –

Ibuka, meaning “Remember” was born out of necessity to honor the memory of the victims.

Ibuka USA is a survivor-led community committed to preserving memory, supporting survivors, and advocating for justice and education. We are independent of any government or political party, standing in solidarity with genocide survivors globally, working toward a future free from genocide.

Recent activities

Highlighted activities and ongoing efforts by Ibuka and our partners.

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