
A Mission of Healing and Rebuilding

This year, as we commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Ibuka USA launches a journey of remembrance and renewal. 

With a heartfelt commitment to aiding those scarred by past atrocities, we have set forth an ambitious goal: to raise $120,000. These funds are pivotal in supporting two fundamental initiatives that stand at the core of our mission – Kwibuka30, a solemn event dedicated to healing, education, and genocide awareness, and a vital housing restoration project to provide safe, dignified living conditions for survivors enduring hardship.

Why Your Donation is Crucial

Your Generosity Fuels Transformation

Your support is more than a donation; it’s a lifeline. By contributing to Kwibuka30, you enable a gathering that offers solace, fosters understanding, and educates on the imperative of peace and memory preservation. Beyond the commemoration, your donation is a cornerstone in the reconstruction of lives. Restoring homes for those in dire need is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a step toward healing the wounds of the past.

Join Us in Reaching Our $120,000 Goal

Every Act of Kindness Echoes

We believe in the power of unity and the impact of collective action. Every contribution, regardless of its size, propels us forward towards our goal. It symbolizes solidarity with the survivors and affirms a commitment to their journey of healing and dignity restoration.

How to Make Your Contribution:
  • Make a Monetary Donation: Your financial support is crucial in rebuilding homes that offer safety and comfort, serving as a symbol of hope and a tangible step towards emotional well-being for the survivors. Here below are two ways to make your donation. Note: We are a 501(c)(3) organization, making contributions tax-deductible.
Direct Deposit
  • Bank Name: Bank of America
  • Account Name: IBUKA-MAINE
  • Account Number: 4580 0517 4512
  • ACH Routing Number: 011200365
Online Donation
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